
Electricity distribution
is the final stage in the delivery (before retail) of electricity to end users. A distribution system’s network carries electricity from the transmission system and delivers it to consumers. Typically, the network would include medium-voltage power lines, electrical substations and pole-mounted transformers, low-voltage distribution wiring and sometimes electricity meters.

Traditionally the electricity
industry has been a publicly owned institution but starting in the 1970s states began the process of deregulation and privatization, leading to electricity markets. A major focus of these was the elimination of the former so called natural monopoly of generation, transmission, and distribution. As a consequence, electricity has become more of a commodity.

A prospective utility customer
is required to own its distribution system. Yakama Power’s distribution is made up of three distinct section, working together to form the backbone of the new tribal utility. Initially in Toppenish, Yakama Power will provide service only to its sovereign loads. This along with the purchase of existing utilities infrastructure will provide the entire distribution system for Yakama Power’s initial service in Toppenish. Yakama Power will begin building new distribution lines to the adjacent sovereign loads in White Swan and Wapato.

Electricity distribution
is the final stage in the delivery (before retail) of electricity to end users. A distribution system’s network carries electricity from the transmission system and delivers it to consumers. Typically, the network would include medium-voltage power lines, electrical substations and pole-mounted transformers, low-voltage distribution wiring and sometimes electricity meters.

As Yakama Power expands,
it will acquire an ownership interest in new transmission and substation facilities necessary to serve its customers. It may own those facilities outright, jointly with another utility, or it may secure access via long-term lease agreements. Yakama Power will own all dedicated distribution facilities to, and including, the customer meter.

Yakama Power’s goal is to provide the same service
at lower rates, by utilizing the newest technologies, local workers, long term power sales contracts, and only short term debt. So long as Yakama Power can deliver cost savings and reliability, the number of satisfied non-Sovereign customers should continue to grow. Therefore, Yakama Power’s target load growth is very realistic and in fact meets our mission statement.